Redbox @ RM9 Net

一口价‼ RM9 nett‼
🔥🔥 来了!来了!全马Red Box和Green Box Karaoke 最疯狂的一口价shocking deal来了!狂唱3小时每人只需RM9 nett ‼ #包括一杯饮料 #没有隐藏收费 赶快jio唱k buddy一起去唱🎤到high翻天呗!
🔥🔥 Let’s karaoke at Red Box, Green Box & Red Box Plus Karaoke with RM9 nett/ pax!!
Promotion: 17/5/2018 – 8/6/2018
Valid at all Red Box, Green Box & Red Box Plus Karaoke.
Terms & Conditions:
⚠ Check in before 6pm only.
➡ Valid from Monday – Sunday.
➡ Included 1 Drink + 3 Hours singing hour.
➡ Not valid with member 10% discount on total bill.
➡ Not valid with other promotions, discounts or vouchers.
Kindly contact your preferred outlets for more details:
Red Box Plaza Low Yat
☎ 03-2710 1883
Red Box The Gardens
☎ 03-2287 2211
Red Box The Curve
☎ 03-7728 1133
Red Box Empire Shopping Gallery
☎ 03-5612 3323
Red Box 1st Avenue Mall, Penang
☎ 04-263 2922
Red Box Gurney Plaza, Penang
☎ 04-229 2922
Green Box Aeon Bukit Tinggi
☎ 03-3326 2288
Green Box Aeon Seremban 2
☎ 06-601 3377
Red Box PLUS, Pavilion KL
☎ 03-2148 3322
>>> More info for Redbox @ RM9 Net <<<
#RBGBShockingDeal #一口价 #RedBoxKaraokeMalaysia #KaraokeKaki #SingKawKaw #JimatKaki #rileklah #karaok #karaoke #jimat #省钱kaki #就是要省钱 #吃喝玩乐 #狂唱3小时 #唱K #Pavilion #TheCurve #LowYat #EmpireShoppingGallery #BukitTinggi #Seremban2 #1stAvenue #GurneyPlaza #TheGardens #MidValley