

Malaysia's Giveaways & Freebies

Lazada 11.11 Heartbeat Experience Contest

[#Contest] Lazada 11.11 Heartbeat Experience!

Ever had a moment when you wanted to try an experience that makes your heart races? 🎉 This Lazada 11.11 Biggest One Day Sale, the MOST CREATIVE COMMENT will win you an experience worth a lifetime.😉

List of Prizes:
11x Malaysia Airlines Simulator Experience + 20,000 Enrich Miles #LazadaXMAS

11x Celebrity Fitness ‘Get Fit’ Workout Experience #LazadaXCF

11x OYO Home Away from Home Experience #LazadaXOYO

11x Klook Dining Experiences (Plane In The Sky/Dining In The Dark) #LazadaXKlook

11x Tiger Sugar Year Long Beverage Supply #LazadaXTigerSugar

11x Domino’s Party Sets #LazadaXDominos

Step 1: Choose your MOST WANTED heartbeat experience
Step 2: Tell us why you deserve the prize in your most creative ways
Step 3: Insert designated hashtag (e.g. LazadaXMAS) and #MYLazada1111
Step 4: Hit ‘comment’ and wait for winner announcement

Join before 10th Nov, contest starts NOW 😛!!!

T&C: http://lzd.co/ContestMY


Click here to participate Lazada 11.11 Heartbeat Experience Contest

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