

Malaysia's Giveaways & Freebies

Guess the brand landing on Lazada and stand a chance to win gifts worth RM600

[CONTEST] We’ve been wating to spill and share this with you but… not just yet! Can you guess what it could be? Here’s a hint – get Japanese Snow White Skin! Guess the brand landing on Lazada and stand a chance to win gifts worth RM600!

How to join:
1. Like this post and click to follow the store.
2. Guess the brand that is launching on Lazada with hashtag #SuperGrandOpening .
3. Tag 3 friends.

Follow the store here:>> https://lzd.co/KoseSuperGrandOpening

Contest ends on 10th October, 11:59pm. 3 lucky winners will be selected randomly and announced under this post! Stay tuned! T&C:>> https://lzd.co/ContestMY


Click here to join Guess the brand landing on Lazada and stand a chance to win gifts worth RM600!

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