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Comfortable 3-Layer Latex Mattress with 100- Nights Trial Period

How to choose the right mattress? When come budgeting how much do you allocate for your mattress for your new house? Admin recently did research for affordable latex mattresses for a new house and Sonno came into the radar where we decide to pay a visit to their showroom to know more about them.

One of the reasons why we are looking for natural latex mattress is admin unfortunately an allergies sufferer, and latex mattresses seems one of the solutions that can help. Even though I did not feel itchy after testing, it helps that Sonno offers a 100-days trial period or a full refund (including return shipping wei) regardless of any reason.

You may get more details from Sonno Official link: https://www.sleepsonno.com


Wow, it recalls the pain from my old mattress that we bought for around RM5k+ and I feel itchy almost every night and ended up collecting dust in my guess room as no exchanged/return policies offered…

Comfort level of the mattress is the highest priority as we spent more than 8 hours on the bed daily (10 for admin as I spent around 2 hours to sleep on the noon also whenever possible). It came to a surprise that the Sonno mattress fits the soft/medium level that I like even without springs.

You may get more details from Sonno Official link: https://www.sleepsonno.com

The foundation of Sonno mattress consist of 3 layers, which are natural latex (top layer), memory foam (middle layer) and support foam (bottom layer). You can find the details here: https://www.sleepsonno.com/products/sonno-mattress. It also came with “Zero Disturbance Technology” that suits family with kids or partners who tend to “move/flip” a lot where we tested good with that (Ok la, tested form my kid can feel a bit but acceptable).

As for delivery, Sonno delivers their mattresses in a box, which is not only easy to carry but also to make sure that all mattress they sent is 100% new/sealed where admin very particular about, especially some “dealer” sent you showroom/return unit with original price ☹. According to the salesperson, mattresses that are opened/expanded cannot be re-packed into their box. So, their returned mattresses are only used for either their showrooms or as donations to charities in Malaysia and Singapore.

Sonno mattresses are quite reasonably priced, from RM1699 (single sized)-RM2999 (king sized) for the quality and after-sales service they provide. One of the reasons that the prices are way lower compared to their competitors is because they sell their products online directly to the customers and slash additional costs like the middlemen retailers in order to offer more affordable prices to their customers. They’re also offering easy installment plans from as low as RM50 (if you’re a credit card user) for the experience of like sleeping in a luxury hotel bed which make the final call for us to go for it.

You may visit the official link to know more about them. As a blogger the link below contains affiliate links, which means I receive a commission if you make a purchase using these links >>> https://www.sleepsonno.com

The comment session is open and please share us your experience with them especially for after sales service that you encounter. 😊

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