Stylish BeSeen Sunnies to be won 😎 Just SNAP and UPLOAD to win a pair of sunnies! Join the fun now!...
什么?吃火锅🥘就可以有Sony Vaio💻电脑拿?还有周杰伦演唱会票赢取? 哇哇哇,太夸张了啦❗ 没错!【TheSeventeen】欢庆1周年庆典,9 月到Bandar Sunway的【TheSeventeen】吃火锅烧烤,就有机会赢取以下丰富奖品哩!吃得越多,机会越多! ➡大奖: #Sony Vaio电脑💻 ➡二奖: #周杰伦演唱会票 RM738 x2 ➡三奖: #Vivo S1 手机📱 ➡安慰奖x3; RM500 Cash Voucher ❇抽奖日期:30/9/2019 是不是很想得到以上奖品?很简单,即日起到【TheSeventeen】消费,吃上满RM200就能获得一张抽券,买单RM300可以获得两张抽奖券,消费RM400则有三张抽奖券,不怕你没有机会! 最近天气凉凉,最是时候jio亲朋好友去吃火锅暖暖身啦!而且要选这家超特別以地狱为主题的火锅+烧烤店!还等什么?今天就约吃货们来这里聚餐咯! #我要赢周杰伦演唱会门票🤣 #jaychow #sonyvaio #VivoS1 #Cashvoucher 点击了解吃火锅有Sony...
Can you believe it's been 10 years since the first Boost store opened in Malaysia? Now we're in Singapore, Brunei...
HAPPY MALAYSIA DAY! What better way to spend this long weekend than shopping to support our local brands and products 🛒!...
Malaysia Day Special Giveaway! ✨ #GSCAdmin is giving away a brand new set of Vivo S1 to one of our lucky...
Guess the winner is BACK on our Shopee App! Have you missed it? Start placing your guesses on who will...
GIVEAWAY TIME!!! Participate in this and stand a chance to win 3️⃣ ECOVACS DEEBOT MINI 2!! ➡️1. Like and set our page...
#giveaway #抽奖活动 In the mid of countdown for our Inaugural Flight from KUALA LUMPUR TO HARBIN, and celebrating mid autumn festival,...
Mid-Autumn Festival is here and It’s time for reunions and indulge in some yummy mooncakes! Anyone here needs a new...
Mid-Autumn Festival has kept the tradition of a family get-together. Spend time with your loved ones and enjoy sweet mooncakes...