VSOY Jauh Di Mata, Dekat Di Hati Contest

Keep your loved ones near to your heart during this physical distancing period and stand a chance to win cash prizes worth up to RM6,000!
Follow these simple steps:
✅ Pose
Take a photo with your family at home or a screenshot of your video call session with friends. Show your fav V-Soy products, wear costumes or use props – be as creative as you can!
✅ Post
Post the photo on your Facebook or Instagram feed/story. Tag and mention @vsoyworld and use #VSoyDekatDiHati in the caption. Remember to set your profile public so we can see your entry!
Submit your entry latest by 25 May, 23.59pm. We’ll select 30 winners who will receive RM200 cash prize and a chance to donate a carton of V-Soy Multi-Grain 200ml to their chosen organisation*.
Don’t let physical distancing makes you socially distant from loved ones 😉 Take a photo and submit your entry now!
*T&C apply: https://www.facebook.com/notes/v-soy-world/terms-conditions-jauh-di-mata-dekat-di-hati-contest/3123178977702962/