

Malaysia's Giveaways & Freebies

Giveaway 3x AHC Premium Hydra B5 Travel Kit


【W I N】💃 http://bit.ly/2G9w1BJ
Your perfect beauty on-the-go for a lit-from-within luminosity 🥳 whereever you go! ✈️Discover your instant hydration boost by joining this giveaway contest – we’re giving away 3 lucky winners AHC Premium Hydra B5 Travel Kit.
Steps to win:
1. Give this photo any reactions. 🤟😚
2. Fill in the blanks “Hyaluronic Acid and ________ create a double synergy effect that draws moisture into the skin, whilst soothing”.
3. Mention 3 travel 🛩 buddies + hashtag#HermoxAHC #hermomy
 Contest period: 17 – 23 July 2019
Terms and conditions apply:
1. Contest open to Malaysians only.
2. Incomplete entries will be forfeited.
3. Entries received after contest period will not be considered.
4. Entries that are edited during or after contest period will not be accepted.
5. THREE (3) winners will each receive AHC Premium Hydra B5 Travel Kit..
6. THREE (3) winners who fulfilled the criteria will be randomly selected from both Facebook and Instagram, and announced at anytime under the same post.
7. HERMO’s decision on selected winners are final. No appeal via any form of correspondences will be entertained.
8. HERMO reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

 — with AHC Beauty Malaysia.

Click here to participate Giveaway 3x AHC Premium Hydra B5 Travel Kit

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