

Malaysia's Giveaways & Freebies

YONG SHENG GIFT SHOP @ Win Su Shi Crystalline Moon Cake

 送您中秋暖心好礼活动の苏式冰皮月饼篇 PART 2

Participation Procedure:-
Step 1: LikeYONG SHENG GIFT SHOP fan page.
Step 2: Like & Share the photo as public.
Step 3: @Tag 5 friends in the photo comment.
Step 4: 10 lucky winners will be selected randomly. All winners will get a box of Yong Sheng Su Shi Crystalline Moon Cake.

Terms & Conditions:-
1. Contest period: 17th September 2018 until 22nd September 2018 (11:59 p.m.).
2. This contest open for Malaysians only.
3. Winners will be announced on Yong Sheng Gift Shop Facebook by 23rd September 2018.
4. Winners are required to feedback Yong Sheng private message within 3 days upon announcement.
5. Winners are required to collect Prizes as allocated Yong Sheng’s outlet within allocated time frame.
6. We reserve the right to substitute any prize of equal value & no cash alternative to the prizes will be offered.
7. We reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions of the contest at any time without prior notice.

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