Contest Expired Deals Win W12 Lightweight Wet & Dry Vacuum 2 years ago YngYng Giveaway Time! What household challenges would you like Redkey W12 to solve? Now Redkey will send one W12 Lightweight Wet & Dry Vacuum as a gift. Do you want to try it? How to enter: Follow @redkey_home(IG) and Redkey (FB) Tag 3 friends, Like & share the post Like or comment on any of Redkey’s posts Good luck to all. On Mar.10 we announce the winner! This giveaway is offered by Redkey and is in no way associated or responsible for by Meta, Facebook or Instagram. The winner is selected at the discretion of Redkey and is final. Click here to JOIN and WIN Now Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window) Tags: Redkey Continue Reading Previous Win PRISTIN® 60’sNext Win a 2 in 1 Grill & Steamboat Non-stick Coating plate Pan Grill