Win Suzuki Herb Pineapple Soy Milk Whitening Hair Removal Cream

Which body parts can this cream be used on?
🍍 Back
🍍 Arms
🍍 Fingers
🍍 Legs
For more info:
(1) “LIKE”Japan Premium Facebook Page and “FOLLOW” Japan Premium’s Instagram
(2) “LIKE” and “SHARE” the contest post to your feed! – don’t forget to set the post to public
*with hashtags: #MYJapanPremium#SuzukiHerbPineappleSoyMil
(3) “COMMENT” your answer for this question: WHICH 2 BODY PARTS CAN THIS CREAM BE USED ON and “TAG” 3 of your cutie friends in the comments 😎
Terms and Conditions:
(1) Contest period: 23 July 2020 – 06 August 2020
(2) A WINNER who fulfilled the above requirements will be randomly selected from Facebook
(3) The winner MUST agree to post the feedback with minimum 3 photos on Facebook or Instagram
* Photos of the winner with the product and also the product itself
* again with hashtags: #MYJapanPremium#SuzukiHerbPineappleSoyMil
Don’t forget to set the post to public!
Have fun and good luck!😁