

Malaysia's Giveaways & Freebies

Win RM1000 Cash

Rise and shine our daddy & mommies ☀️

In the conjunction of the upcoming Parent’s Day, MOTHER-K Malaysia will be doing this Parent’s Day Contest!
How to join?
1. Like & Follow Mother-K Malaysia Facebook page
2. DM your family portrait that include you and your little one, with the family name and baby’s age
3. Once the photo has been uploaded to the album, you’ll get a link from us then you may share & invite your friends over to like your portrait!

Stand a chance to win EXCLUSIVE🏆 Rewards


1st Prize: Cash RM 1000 🧧
1st runner-up: Cash RM 500 🧧
2nd runner-up: Cash RM 300 🧧

Lucky Winner announcement will be on 8th of August 2021
🦁Terms & Conditions 🦁

👉🏻 Only one entry for every family, only newborn to 12years old kid be eligible for this event.
👉🏻 Only 30 participants for the event
👉🏻 MOTHER-K Malaysia reserve the right to edit or cancel the programme with or without prior notice and reason

Click here to JOIN and WIN Now

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