Win Perimeter Sleeve (worth RM 85)

Facebook Giveaway
Malaysia's Giveaways & Freebies
We will be giving away 10x 11.6″-13.3″ 360 Perimeter Sleeve (worth RM 85) with the following criteria:
1) Like and follow Targus Malaysia FB & Bluelogic Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. FB.
2) Like and share the contest post publicly.
3) Quest: Snap a photo with your love letter to your mum!
Leave a comment below and we will be shortlisting 10 best entries!
* Double up your chance when you have any Targus product capture within the photo*
Winners will be contacted via Facebook messenger a week after contest on the prize details.
Contest ends: 21st May 2023, Sunday, 2359hrs
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