

Malaysia's Giveaways & Freebies

Win iPhone 12 Pro

Psst…do you want to WOK-A-WAY with an iPhone 12 Pro?

We are now running the #Alliance2021 contest! Join for your chance at winning the iPhone 12 Pro.

All you have to do is LIKE this post, and SHARE it as many times as possible with the hashtag #Alliance2021. Only shares from this post will be counted towards the top sharer. Contest ends on 11 January 2021. Terms and conditions apply: http://bit.ly/3aujzmo

THERE’S MORE! Uncle Ban King will announce the winner on Facebook on 23 January 2021. The Facebook livestream event will be FANCY! So, make sure you share this contest with the whole kampung, okay? RSVP here! https://fb.me/e/2cN4ltFp4

Discover the bountiful rewards of #Alliance2021 campaign at https://bit.ly/3rGlnbA

Click here to JOIN and WIN Now

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