Win Free Photoshoot

Yes! All you need to do to increase your chances in Winning this Lucky Draw is by following this 4 simple Steps!
1) Like The Gambar FB Page and the contest post.
2) Comment which Photography Category you are interested with? (check the first comment from us as example!)
3) Share the contest post on your wall (set privacy as public please or else we can’t see it)
4) Tag minimum 3 of your friends. No max limit so be generous in tagging your buddies!
** Terms & Conditions
Opened to all Malaysian’s above 18 years old and residing in Malaysia only.
Only 1 Grand Prize Winner and 4 Consolation Prize for this Lucky Draw.
All winners can choose from the categories listed below Only.
For any Products like cosmetics or Food and Beverages
For any Portrait or Headshot photography
For Fashion or Modelling / Social Media post
Only softcopies will be provided.
Max 10 pictures and limited to 1 hours durations for each photoshoots.