

Malaysia's Giveaways & Freebies

Win Beauty Buffet’s Award Winning Scentio Milk Plus Q10 Whitening Facial Foam

[REVIEWER GIVEAWAY] 10X Reviewer Wanted!
10X Beauty Buffet’s Award Winning Scentio Milk Plus Q10 Whitening Facial Foam Giveaway!

Product Given :
♥️ Scentio Milk Plus Q10 Whitening Facial Foam

1. 📱FOLLOW Beauty Buffet Malaysia Official at Facebook Page and Beauty Buffet Malaysia Instagram 
2. 👍 LIKE the contest post, mention us & share on your IG Story and Facebook.
3. 🏷 Tag 3 of your BFFs in the comment section of the post.
4. 10 Lucky Reviewers will be chosen for the Review Giveaway
5. Reviewers will provide product reviews on their Instagram Reels or Feeds & Story, and Facebook on the date provided by our team.

The 10 Lucky Winners will be announce on the 15 July 2022.

Terms & Conditions

1. This giveaway is open to participants that resides in Malaysia and have a valid delivery address.
2. Beauty Buffet may use your review contents for future marketing purposes.
3. The management reserves the rights to amend or alter the terms and conditions of this giveaway when deemed necessary.

Remember to set your profile as “Public”

Good luck!!

Click here to JOIN and WIN Now

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