

Malaysia's Giveaways & Freebies

Win a Morgan Steam Generator Iron MSG-27 MAXICARE

“My Mother’s Day Best Moment is..”
Complete the above sentence with less than 30 words and stand a chance to win a Morgan Steam Generator Iron MSG-27 MAXICARE!
【How to Participate】
Step 1: Complete the sentence “My Mother’s Day Best Moment is..” with less than 30 words at the comment section.
Step 2: Tag 3 friends.
Step 3: Hashtag #morganappliances.
Step 4: LIKE PAGE (https://www.facebook.com/MorganAppliances), and SHARE the post. (Share as PUBLIC).
【Prize to Win】
1 unit of Morgan Steam Generator Iron MSG-27 MAXICARE.
【How to WIN】
Morgan Appliances will choose 1 participant with the most CREATIVE PHRASE to be OUR WINNER! We will announce the winner at 10.5.2019 (Friday) at 10am.
【Contest Cut-Off Time】
The contest will ends at 9.5.2019 (Thursday) at 10pm.

Click here to join the contest

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