WIN a Limited Edition Black Whale gift

Guess & Win

Somethings BIG is coming. Guess what #BlackWhale ✘ #Vanzo will be launching on 5 March (Fri)

Somethings BIG is coming. Guess what #BlackWhale ✘ #Vanzo will be launching on 5 March (Fri)

A. Perfume smells like boba tea
B. Boba tea tastes like perfume
Steps to win:
Comment your answer & TAG 3 buddies
SHARE to your FB (set public)
LIKE Black Whale MSIA 黑鲸 FB page
Contest period: 27/2 – 4/3
Stay tuned on Black Whale page & 5 lucky winners will be announce on 6 March (Sat)
TAG your boba buddies now & each winner will WIN a Limited Edition gift