

Malaysia's Giveaways & Freebies

WIN 3 mystery prizes from Hwa Tai

Spot the 8 differences between both images & Stand a chance to WIN 3 mystery prizes!
“Example: #AlwaysTheHealthierChoice + *Tag 3 friends + *Screenshot of public share and your answer”.

[ How to participate: ] ☑️ Find out the answer
☑️ LIKE (Hwa Tai page and the contest post)
☑️ SHARE the post (public) and screenshot
☑️ Submit your entry by sharing a Picture of CIRCLE out the 8 differences, TAG 3 friends and Screenshot by (deadline 28/2/2021 11:59p.m.)
☑️ Wait for our WINNERs ANNOUNCEMENT!⭐⭐⭐
We will announce the LUCKY WINNERs on 3/3/2021 8 PM
(participation will be disqualified if failed to complete all of the above steps)
You may be the winner!

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