V-Blog Magazine @ Win The Nun Movie Tickets

【V-Blog Magazine 免费戏票 | 幸运抽奖活动】
送你和朋友家人去看《诡修女 THE NUN》!
期待已久的朋友们!THE NUN终于在9月6日全马上映!你们准备好一起去看这一位诡修女了吗?她到底是何方神圣?👻
让大家可以JIO兄弟闺蜜和家人一起进场观看!一起进入温子仁的The Conjuring平行宇宙吧!
Steps to win:
- Like V-Blog Magazine & the post
- Comment “我要和 『TAG Friend A』和 『TAG Friend B』一起去看VALAK诡修女!#VBlogMagGiveaway”
- Share the POST on your own Timeline (Privacy must to be PUBLIC)
Contest ends: 3 September 12pm, and winner will be announced on 6pm