Tai Thong @ Parents’ Day Contest

Tai Thong @ Parents’ Day Contest
一句话表达你对爸妈的爱~ 既有机会赢取大同双亲节套餐盛宴!!
- 【1句话 】在留言处写上一句想对爸妈说的话(不超过30字)
- 【Hastag】#taithong
- 【Like】大同的粉丝专页 https://www.facebook.com/
- 【Share】这个Post在您的FB(请设定为“
- 【Tag】 5位你的FB朋友
- 参加者必须完成以上5个步骤,才符合参赛资格。
- 此活动以抽签方式进行,大同拥有最后决定权。
- 得奖名单将在6月5日公布于大同的粉丝专页。
Express your love for your parents in a sentence & stand a chance to win a parents day set at Tai Thong!
Contest Period: 17 May – 3 June 2018
2 winners will each win a Tai Thong Parents Day Set!
It’s so easy to participate:
- 【WRITE】 your love message (not more than 30 words) in the comment box.
- 【HASHTAG】 #taithong
- 【LIKE】 Tai Thong’s FB at https://www.facebook.com/
- 【SHARE】 this post on your FB (Change the privacy setting for this post to ‘Public’)
- 【TAG】 5 FB friends
- Participants must complete all 5 steps correctly to be eligible for this contest.
- Winners will be decided through a lucky draw. Decision by Tai Thong is final.
- Winners will be announced on Tai Thong’s Facebook on 5 June 2018.
So, come to Tai Thong to celebrate Parents’ Day now!
Tai Thong’s Locations