Smartnano Capture & Win Contest

Smartnano Capture & Win Contest Capture the GIF once with 3 of the Mark 5C water dispenser perfectly aligned inside the white box and stand a chance to WIN a Smartnano Water Dispenser!Are you ready to enjoy fuss-free supply of hot and warm water throughout the day? It’s takes just 4 easy steps to participate:
- Like EG’ REX Renovation Expo – Malaysia Largest & Premier Renovation Event FB page & Smartnano Marketing FB page
- Capture the GIF once with 3 of the Mark 5C water dispenser perfectly aligned inside the white box.
- Post the screenshot in the comments section and tag a friend.
- Share the GIF on your FB page (Must set as Public).
- Prize x1: Smartnano Mark 5C water dispenser
- Contest ended: 11 July 2018
- Winner announcement: 12 July 2018