Philips TV @ Win a Full HD Ultra Slim LED Philips TV

Philips TV @ Win a Full HD Ultra Slim LED Philips TV
This is it! Time for you to test your skills to win a Full HD Ultra Slim LED Philips TV 43PFT4002 worth RM1,599! There are also five consolation prizes of RM100 meal voucher each! What do you have to do? No dribbling required. Just count the number of footballs in this 180-degree visual and place your answer in comment box. Add the hashtag #ScorewithPhilipsTVThis contest ends on 22nd June, 2018.
First Prize x1: Philips TV model 43PFT4002 worth RM1,599
Consolation prizes x5: RM100 meal voucher each.
* Winners will be picked randomly using third party website