

Malaysia's Giveaways & Freebies

OpenRice @ Nadeje Cash Voucher Giveaway

Nadeje Cash Voucher Giveaway

OpenRice Malaysia 和 Nadeje Cake Shop 将联合送出 50份现金礼券(每份价值RM10),只需完成以下简单步骤就有机会赢取啦!Good luck!

1. LIKE Nadeje Cake Shop 和 OpenRice Malaysia
2. 数一数图里有多少片蛋糕
3. 在留言区写下答案再TAG 3位好友
4. LIKE & SHARE 帖子就完成啦!(记得设定为公开)

= = = = = = = = = =

Steps to win:
1. LIKE Nadeje Cake Shop & OpenRice Malaysia
2. Find out how many cakes are in the picture
3. Leave your answer in comment session & TAG 3 friends
4. LIKE & SHARE this contest post (set as Public)

Contest Due @ 2/06/2018, 11:59PM

Click here to Win Nadeje Cash Voucher now!

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