1.Create a video, 1(one) minute or less/ Preferable in English. (video in potrait)
2. Theme: “my mum ” (eg:tips,advice,do & don’t, story,
anything) End of video must include “I♡U MOM (Expression by own creativity)
3. Post Video and Copy & Paste the caption :
“Mum, you are awesome, thank you and I love you.
I would love to win a surprise 2D1N free stay in Malaysia by (tag)Key Term Holidays Sdn Bhd.
PS : Please give me more likes to win the contest. The more the 👍 the higher chance to win 😘🙏
#freestay #malaysia #keytermholidays #mothersdaycontest”
For more info: Check out Key Term Holidays Sdn Bhd
4.Participant must like Key Term Holidays FB & and follow IG page
FACEBOOK :Key Term Holidays Sdn Bhd
INSTAGRAM : keytermholidays.lets_getaw
5. Post your video on your feed before 8th May and make sure to TAG us!!!
6.Post with most likes will win 2 days 1 night free stay at a surprise destination in Malaysia.
7. You can post on instagram of Facebook as long as you tag
FACEBOOK :Key Term Holidays Sdn Bhd
INSTAGRAM : keytermholidays.lets_getaw
8. Anyone can participate, no age limit, but only for Malaysian.
9. Your family and friends can participate in the video and post it using your profile. Video can feature anyone, not necessary the account holder.
10. They will tag the profile of the winner on their page.
11. Any Post after the 8th of May is not valid for acceptance.
12. Terms & Conditions apply