

Malaysia's Giveaways & Freebies

Free Command™ Picture Hanging Strips

(Grand Giveaway) Free Command™ Picture Hanging Strips for 150 lucky fans!

Whether your photos on the walls represent a good memory, family members, arts & crafts or just a piece of decoration; They always have a nice story behind them, and they always remind you of it by staying on your walls.

This Raya season, we want to commemorate every memory you hang on your walls in exchange for sharing your stories and getting a chance to get our Raya giveaway prizes!

To participate for a chance to win, follow the steps below:

1- “Like” Command Facebook Page.
2- “Tag” 3 of your friends & “Post” a photo of any of your photo frames on your wall.
3- “Tell Us” why do you choose to hang this photo by finishing this sentence in the “Comments” section: I Choose #CommandMemories Because ———————

Winners will be announced on May 7th, 2021.

*Terms & Conditions apply: http://bit.ly/CommandRayaContestTnC
*Contest valid until May 3rd, 2021 (11:59PM).

Click here to JOIN and WIN Now

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