CONTEST – Win a Home Makeover worth RM50,000

* Make a successful transaction either one for the following via RHB Now online or through the mobile for more than RM30.00 to be eligible for the participation in this Contest
– Bill Payment
– Fund Transfer to Other Banks (IBG)
– Send Money via PayPal
– Cash Advance
* RHB Now user with the highest number of transaction(s) volume will win the Grand Prize.
* The first 100 RHB Now users of the day that performs any of the transaction(s) as mentioned above and submit the daily prize fulfilment form (“Form”) with the correct and valid information on the same day the transaction(s) is performed will stand a chance to win an exclusive I Love RHB Now Designer T-shirt.
* Prizes:
GRAND PRIZE x1: Home Makeover worth RM50,000 (valid until 31st December 2013)
DAILY PRIZES x 7,000: Exclusive I Love RHB Now Designer T-Shirt
* Contest period: 10 January – 20 March 2013
Click here for more on the I Love RHB now contest details
Click here for more on the I Love RHB now contest Terms & conditions