

Malaysia's Giveaways & Freebies

CONTEST – [ENDED] Win cash and FRISO products

* Register as a member on the Growing Up Together Club
* Click on “Contribute an idea” to join
* Write a title for the idea and describe what both mommy and child can do in the proposed activity

* The idea must embrace the spirit of Growing Up Together, in the sense both mother and child will learn together from the experience itself
* Upload a picture to accompany the idea. An idea with a picture has better chances of winning.
* Click “Submit” to send in your idea.
* Prizes:
   Weekly Winner: RM200 cash + 1 free tin of Friso Mum Gold / Friso Gold 3 / Friso Gold 4
   Grand Prize: RM2,500 cash + 1 exclusive hamper from Friso
* Contest period: 1 June – 31 July 2012
Click here to join

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