

Malaysia's Giveaways & Freebies

CONTEST – 2013 Toyota Dream Car Art Contest

* No product purchase or participation/entry fee is necessary to participate in this contest
* Entries must be the original artwork of a child applicant
* The age of the Applicant must fall within the following categories:
Category 1: Below 10 years old
Category 2: 10 – 12 years old
Category 3: 13 – 15 years old
* Entries can be submitted by mailing the entry to the following Malaysian Administration Office of Toyota Dream Car Art Contest:

Attn: Loh Chong Kit
Brand Building Department, Marketing Division
UMW Toyota Motor Sdn Bhd
No 2, Persiaran Raja Muda,
Seksyen 15, Shah Alam,
40200 Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.

* Prizes: 

   National Contest: 
   – Gold Prize: Apple iPod Nano x1
   – Silver Prize: Apple iPod Shuffle x1 + MPH RM100 Cash Voucher 
   – Bronze Prize: Apple iPod Shuffle x1 + MPH RM50 Cash Voucher 

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