* SMART PHOTO MESSENGER* Like Samsung NX facebook page* Fill in the blank for a photographer to translate your word...
* REGZA DASH CONTEST* Like Toshiba Regza Malaysia facebook page* Hunt for the winner* Grab it and to be the...
* Odor Fighter contest* Play the Odor Fighter game* Submit your particulars and proof of purchase* Only participants with Libresse...
* iMoney’s iPhone 5 Lucky Draw* Answer a very simple question* Enter your email* Share in your facebook and tag 5...
* "Win Some Fun" contest* Perform a task determined by the Munchy's on a monthly basis* Prizes x1 per month: 2...
* NOKIA LUMIA 900 SNAP N SHARE CONTEST*Choose from one of the three themes: LARGER, FASTER, or AWARD-WINNING* Take a...
* You Drive, You Win' Test Drive Contest* Test drive or register a new Peroduo at any Peroduo showroom * Complete...
* Test Drive & Continue to win* Test drive any Nissan and stand a chance to win the new iPad*...
* SMS & Win Contest* Purchase any 40g, 175g or 180g Cadbury Dairy Milk bar variant* Peel sticker to reveal...
* CA$H SPLA$H Reward* Buy any CA$H SPLA$H contest edition pack* Get the SMS code printed on the canister foil. Remember...