Answer & Win
We’ve already gone through a lot of information concerning our JAYA MATA KNIFE STORY, so we’ve chosen to run a giveaway campaign this time to reward our fans for your patience in reading and comprehending our Story House.
๐๐ฎ๐๐ฌ๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง:How many knives are now on display at Jaya Mata Knife Story House that has been recognized in the “Malaysia Book of Records”?
Easy way to join us:
T&C Applied
-All participants must complete all of the steps listed above.
-Participate as many times as you wish.
-Jaya Mata Team will choose the winners.
-Remember to make your account public so we can quickly discover you.
-This campaign will be starting on 29/7/2022 and ending on 1/8/2022
We wish you the best of luck and appreciate your participation! ![โค](