Win Parents Day Gift Pack worth RM160

: 14th – 16th MAY 2021] Biogreen & Etblisse – Parent’s Day Lucky Draw Contest is now at Health Lane Family Pharmacy!

SIX (6) lucky winners will be chosen to receive the Parents Day Gift Pack worth RM160!

1. Like both Health Lane Family Pharmacy & Biogreen official FB page.
2. TYPE #ilovemyparents and ANSWER “Which part of our body will gain the most benefits from Purple Chia Soy?” in the comment section.
3. TAG at least FB friends/family, including your parents!
4. SHARE the contest post and hashtag #HealthLaneFamilyPharmacy & #Biogreen
Good Luck & Happy Parents’ Day!
Terms & Condition
1. Prizes must be collected at any Health Lane Family Pharmacy branch. (Except Sarawak branch)
2. Biogreen Malaysia and Health Lane Family Pharmacy reserve the right to any change without prior notice.
*Terms & conditions apply.