88razzi.com @ Win Wiko phone

Steps to Participate:-
- Like Wiko 和 88razzi.com 的面子书
- Like & Share Facebook post贴文(记得把分享设定为公开/public,否则参赛资格作废
- 在Share post的同时,以“More More Space“ 制作最有创意的英文标语(不超过10个字)。并hashtag #wikomobilemy #moremorespace #view2pro
- 最有创意、最多人Like的post就有机会获得Wiko送出的手机哦!(赶快叫姨妈姑姐一起Like吧!)
- 填写个人资料 (http://bit.ly/2IU2q2u)
公布幸运儿:88razzi 将会于2018年6月15日在官方面子书公布得奖名单
- Like Wiko and 88razzi.com Facebook Page
- Like & Share Facebook the contest post (make sure the post set to be “Public”)
- Use “More More Space“ to create a tagline (in English) while sharing the post (with not more than 10 words), and hashtag #wikomobilemy #moremorespace #view2pro
- The most creative post with most like will win Wiko phone
- Fill in your details here (http://bit.ly/2IU2q2u)
Contest ended: 12 June 2018
Winner announcement: 15 June 2018