

Malaysia's Giveaways & Freebies

Naughty Nuri’s @ Trip for 2 to Phuket

Contest shares by malaysia getfreebies.my

Contest shares by getfreebies.my

It’s the grand prize everyone’s been waiting for, ARE YOU LUCKY ENOUGH?

If you still don’t know what’s up, we just kick-started our #100days campaign, and for the first week’s grand prize, we’re giving away a trip for 2 to Phuket!
Insane right? So dine in, get your entries in our lucky draw box, and go to the designated outlets at the time stated.

*Follow our cover photo guide on this page, you can only claim the grand prize at the respective outlet your entry is in.
*Winner for this grand prize will be announced at 14th June

Check to know more Naughty Nuri’s @ Trip for 2 to Phuket here!


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